October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. NDEAM celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present!
People First Economy’s Experience Manager, Halla Maas, interviewed Patrick, the Business Development Coordinator, for Disability Advocates of Kent County (DAKC). For the full interview, click here:
♿An employer can create a more accessible place of business for their employees or client is by:
1. Scheduling a consultation appointment from DAKC where they will come to your business and walk you through the accessibility plan based off of your facility: https://www.dakc.us/aak/how-can-i-help
- Watch this brief video to see how their services have supported longstanding Local First Member, John Ball Zoo.
2. Implement policies and hiring practices centered around accessibility.
3. Educate your employees on what accessibility means to your business.
4. Volunteer in spaces where accessibility is prioritized and immerse yourself in building relationships with the disabled community.
We encourage you to get involved with your county’s disability advocate services; volunteering at events and inquiring about their services is a great way to advocate for accessibility! For residents of Kent County, DAKC’s events can be viewed here: https://www.dakc.us/events
#PeopleFirstEconomy #NationalDisabilityEmploymentAwarnessMonth