A People First Economy Requires Systems Change

People First Policy gets business leaders civically engaged. Do you feel like we still have so far to go to live in a people first economy? Of course, a crucial first step includes businesses adopting people first company policies. But to create a people first economy, we need to create systematic change.

Local and state policies determine so much of how our economic systems operate. And elected officials depend on the voice of local business leaders, the ‘backbone of our economy,’ to move forward solutions that are good for businesses and our communities.

People First Policy helps business leaders learn about local and state policy proposals, evaluate how proposals could impact their business, and speak up in favor of policies that are good for businesses and move us towards a people first economy.

Issue Areas We Care About

MI Businesses In Support of Democracy

At People First Economy, we believe that small businesses thrive when our democracy thrives. Safe and secure elections are the bedrock of a thriving democracy. Small businesses support measures that ensure our employees and team members can vote without intimidation or interference regardless of what party, issue or candidate they may support. And we strongly denounce the incessant and baseless attacks on our democracy and elections by those who seek to undermine faith in our democratic institutions and subvert the will of the voters.

People First Economy proudly serves as Michigan’s hub for certified B Corporations. Our diverse member businesses believe in achieving the highest standards of public transparency, social and environmental stewardship, as well as balancing profit with purpose. As an organization, we are focused on our people because they make our businesses succeed, they drive our economy and they make Michigan a great place to live, work and play.

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Voter Guide Pledge

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